June 21, 2016 Amanda Wallace

LexPlay Announces Cosplay Department Head

Hey folks!

We’re super pleased to announce the head of our cosplay department at LexPlay – Celestiial Cosplay! Here’s a note from her about how cosplay is going to be done at LexPlay this year:

Another big announcement! I’ve taken on the head of cosplay position for a brand new convention this October!! LexPlay: Lexington Gaming Convention is a two-day video game convention byRunJumpDev, a local game development non-profit based in Lexington.

Find out more (and buy your ticket!) at their website, http://www.lexplaycon.com/

My department is comprised of Ashley Noir Cosplay and Hattey Cosplay, and you can pre-register for the contest here! http://goo.gl/forms/Fp1JMr82J0TmfvFy1

I’m incredibly excited, and hope to see you all there! Let me know if there are any questions, concerns or suggestions. :*

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