LexPlay Announces SpeedRun Marathon

This is paraphrased from a post on the Speed Demos Archive post by the lead on our speedrunning marathon, Jarrett (Tterraj42).


At the end of October, RunJumpDev will be hosting their first Game Convention: LexPlay. The organizers want to have a speedrun marathon at the event, and they’re letting me organize it. First off, it’s an in person event, so make sure you can attend in person before signing up. It will be at the Lexington Center, on October 28-29 in Lexington, KY.

LexPlay will run for 7 hours on Friday (5PM-midnight) and 15 hours on Saturday (9am-midnight), for a total of 22 hours. No overnight, so no graveyard runs and we all get to sleep.
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LexPlay Will Have League of Legends World Championship Watch Site

LexPlay, the largest video game convention in Central Kentucky, will be playing host to a League of Legends 2016 World Championship watch site for the finals, which will be broadcast from the Staples Center in Los Angeles.

league of legends

Unable to make it out to LA to watch your favorite teams battle it out for Worlds? Why not come to LexPlay and participate in lots of gaming awesomeness as well as watch Worlds with your fellow League of Legends fans? This is just one of the many LoL themed events that we’re hoping to run during LexPlay!

Super excited about a League of Legends watch site? Why not pick up your tickets today for LexPlay today and get in on the action!